Project progress

The kick-off meeting of the project was held in Madrid on November 27 and 28, 2017. During this meeting, the partners defined the means to achieve the objectives set by the project, the roles and responsibilities of each and the organization.

Alpes de Lumière is responsible for coordination throughout the duration of the project.

The partners will work closely with seniors, young people, local communities and citizens on four activities: recording good practices, modelling training/actions, ethnological field surveys and putting training/actions into practice

The Community of Communes of Celavu Prunelli is responsible for the collection, development and exchange of good practices (Oct.2017-Feb.2018)

EuroKoncept 21 is responsible for modelling intergenerational training / actions (Feb-May 2018)

Red2 Red consultores, S.L is responsible for ethnological field surveys with video footage during the testimonies. This will be a first phase of experimentation (May-Sept.2018)

PED Epirus is responsible for teaching techniques and ancestral knowledge for an ecological transition (experimentation of formations / actions), a second phase of experimentation.

Throughout the project, Gatehouse Development Initiative is responsible for the communication and dissemination of project results.

Further meetings have taken place at Gatehouse of Fleet in Scotland in June 2018, in Považká Bystrica, Slovakia in January 2019 and in Forcalquier, France in September 2019. There was a training course in Ano Pedina Greece in September 2018.


The first output of the project is the collection of examples of good practice from each of the partner areas.  From these examples an indication can be drawn of what methods work best.
Looking at different groups and structures to facilitate the organisation and management of projects.
The object of the Ethnographical studies is to deepen knowledge of the traditional knowledge and skills through interviews (conducted mainly by young people) of the holders of that knowledge (mainly older members of the community).
This section proposes practical methods and tools for educational events/activities in the different areas of the project, as identified by the partners and target groups (young people, senior knowledge holders, local authorities and social partners).
A key objective of the project is to present the various options for planning and running Ecomanagment projects in other communities.  The documents and support materials on the website provide a toolkit to enable this to happen.